{{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- @php $insjob = $data[0]; $status = $data[1]; @endphp --}} {{-- 295h x 208w --}} {{-- 793.700 x 1122.510 --}}
@php if($eiac == 0 ){ $eiac_logo = 'none'; }else{ $eiac_logo = 'block'; } @endphp

Thorough Examination Certificate/Report For {{ucwords(strtolower(trim($equipment_name)))}}

{{-- --}}
General Info
Company Name: A Company Contact Person Contact Person Contact Number 34342342342
Project Name proj 1 Location some location Inspector name Engineer name
Inspection Item equipment name Date of Inspection 01/01/2020 Date of Expiry 01/06/2020
Certificate Number bss-01 Type of Inspection Periodic Status Safe/Unsafe
Location Details extra info
@php $checkListContent=''; foreach ($divs as $div){ // echo $div->name; if($div->id != 1){ if($div->id == 262 ){ continue; } $checkListContent.=' '; $current_row_size = 0; foreach ($fields as $job_chklistfield){ $chklistfield_val = "Some Value"; if($job_chklistfield->chklistdiv->id == $div->id ) { $field_total_size = $job_chklistfield->th_span + $job_chklistfield->td_span; if($field_total_size == $row_max_size){ if($job_chklistfield->type ==3){ $checkListContent.=' '; }else{ $checkListContent.=' '; } } else{ if($current_row_size < $row_max_size){ if($current_row_size==0 ){ $checkListContent.='' ; if($job_chklistfield->type ==3 ){ $checkListContent.=''; }else{ $checkListContent.=' '; } $current_row_size += $field_total_size; if($current_row_size == $row_max_size ){ $checkListContent.=''; $current_row_size =0; } } else{ if($job_chklistfield->type ==3){ $checkListContent.=' '; }else{ $checkListContent.=' '; } $current_row_size += $field_total_size; if($current_row_size == $row_max_size ){ $checkListContent.=''; $current_row_size =0; } } } } } } } } echo ($checkListContent); @endphp
'.trim($job_chklistfield->description).' '.$chklistfield_val.'
'.trim($job_chklistfield->description).''.trim($job_chklistfield->description).' '.$chklistfield_val.'
'.trim($job_chklistfield->description).''.trim($job_chklistfield->description).' '.$chklistfield_val.'

All the inspections results relates exclusively to work ordered or objects or lot inspected and inspection certificates/reports shall not be reproduced except in full without approval of inspection body and the client. B SAFE has legal indemnity against all losses, accidents and damages on site arising due to faulty inspection activities during the work. we certify on behalf of B SAFE SAFETY & SECURITY CONSULTANCY that the item(s)/equipment described in this certificate is/are
and that the particuler details are correct.
B Safe is a third party inspeciton Type A Inspection Body

The item/equipment should be re-tested in case of any major repair and/or althernation at the above details/description.

Test Engineer
ENG. Name

Technical Manager
ENG. Name