{{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- @php $insjob = $data[0]; $status = $data[1]; @endphp --}} {{-- 295h x 208w --}} {{-- 793.700 x 1122.510 --}}
@php if($insjob->equipment->eiac == 0 ){ $eiac_logo = 'none'; }else{ $eiac_logo = 'block'; } @endphp

Thorough Examination @php if(strtolower(trim($insjob->get_chklistfield_byId(12))) == 'safe'){ echo ('Certificate'); }else{ echo "Report"; } @endphp For {{ucwords(strtolower(trim($insjob->equipment->name)))}}

{{-- --}}
General Info
Company Name: @php echo(ucwords(strtolower(trim($insjob->get_chklistfield_byId(1))))); @endphp Contact Person @php echo(ucwords(strtolower(trim($insjob->get_chklistfield_byId(2))))); @endphp Contact Number @php echo(ucfirst(strtolower(trim($insjob->get_chklistfield_byId(3))))); @endphp
Project Name @php echo(ucwords(strtolower(trim($insjob->get_chklistfield_byId(4))))); @endphp Location @php echo(ucwords(strtolower(trim($insjob->get_chklistfield_byId(5))))); @endphp Inspector name @php echo(ucwords(strtolower(trim($insjob->get_chklistfield_byId(6))))); @endphp
Inspection Item @php echo(ucwords(strtolower(trim($insjob->get_chklistfield_byId(7))))); @endphp Date of Inspection {{$insjob->get_chklistfield_byId(8)}} Date of Expiry @php if(strtolower(trim($insjob->get_chklistfield_byId(12))) == 'safe'){ echo ($insjob->get_chklistfield_byId(9)); }else{ echo "NA"; } @endphp
Certificate Number @php echo ("BSS-".$insjob->insdocuments->id); @endphp Type of Inspection @php echo(ucwords(strtolower(trim($insjob->get_chklistfield_byId(11))))); @endphp Status @php echo(ucwords(strtolower(trim($insjob->get_chklistfield_byId(12))))); @endphp
Location Details @php echo(ucwords(strtolower(trim($insjob->get_chklistfield_byId(13))))); @endphp Revision @php echo($insjob->revision); @endphp Workorder @php echo($insjob->instask->workorder->id); @endphp
@php $checkListContent=''; foreach ($divs->where('documented',1) as $div){ // echo $div->name; if($div->id != 1){ if($div->id == 262 && ucfirst(strtolower(trim($insjob->get_chklistfield_byId(12)))) == "Safe"){ continue; } $checkListContent.=' '; $current_row_size = 0; foreach ($insjob->chklistfields->where('documented',1) as $job_chklistfield){ if($job_chklistfield->type ==1 ){ if($job_chklistfield->pivot->value ==1 ){ $chklistfield_val = "Safe"; } elseif($job_chklistfield->pivot->value ==2 ){ $chklistfield_val = "Unsafe"; } elseif($job_chklistfield->pivot->value ==4 ){ $chklistfield_val = "Recommended"; } elseif($job_chklistfield->pivot->value ==5 ){ $chklistfield_val = "Need Attention"; } else{ $chklistfield_val = "NA"; } }else{ $chklistfield_val = trim($job_chklistfield->pivot->value); } if($job_chklistfield->chklistdiv->id == $div->id ) { $field_total_size = $job_chklistfield->th_span + $job_chklistfield->td_span; if($field_total_size == $row_max_size){ if($job_chklistfield->type ==3){ if($job_chklistfield->pivot->value ==1){ $checkListContent.=' '; } }else{ $checkListContent.=' '; } } else{ if($current_row_size < $row_max_size){ if($current_row_size==0 ){ $checkListContent.='' ; if($job_chklistfield->type ==3 ){ if($job_chklistfield->pivot->value ==1){ $checkListContent.=''; } }else{ $checkListContent.=' '; } $current_row_size += $field_total_size; if($current_row_size == $row_max_size ){ $checkListContent.=''; $current_row_size =0; } } else{ if($job_chklistfield->type ==3){ if($job_chklistfield->pivot->value ==1){ $checkListContent.=' '; } }else{ $checkListContent.=' '; } $current_row_size += $field_total_size; if($current_row_size == $row_max_size ){ $checkListContent.=''; $current_row_size =0; } } } } } } } } echo (str_replace(' ','
', $checkListContent)); @endphp
'.trim($job_chklistfield->description).' '.$chklistfield_val.'
'.trim($job_chklistfield->description).''.trim($job_chklistfield->description).' '.$chklistfield_val.'
'.trim($job_chklistfield->description).''.trim($job_chklistfield->description).' '.$chklistfield_val.'

All the inspections results relates exclusively to work ordered or objects or lot inspected and inspection certificates/reports shall not be reproduced except in full without approval of inspection body and the client. B SAFE has legal indemnity against all losses, accidents and damages on site arising due to faulty inspection activities during the work. we certify on behalf of B SAFE SAFETY & SECURITY CONSULTANCY that the item(s)/equipment described in this certificate is/are
@php if(ucfirst(strtolower(trim($insjob->get_chklistfield_byId(12)))) == "Safe"){ echo (''); echo(ucfirst(strtolower(trim($insjob->get_chklistfield_byId(12))))); }elseif (ucfirst(strtolower(trim($insjob->get_chklistfield_byId(12)))) == "Unsafe") { echo (''); echo(ucfirst(strtolower(trim($insjob->get_chklistfield_byId(12))))); }else{ echo (''); echo "Wrong Field Value"; } @endphp TO USE
and that the particuler details are correct.
B Safe is a third party inspeciton Type A Inspection Body

The item/equipment should be re-tested in case of any major repair and/or althernation at the above details/description.
Please note that Below Signature & Stamping are generated & Approved Electronically.

ENG. {{ucwords(strtolower(trim($insjob->user->name)))}}

ENG. {{ucwords(strtolower(trim($insjob->approving_user->name)))}}

{{-- //////////////////////////////////// second page /////////////////////////////////////////--}}

Inspection Details

@php $checkListContent=''; $row_max_size=2; foreach ($divs->where('documented',2) as $div){ if($div->id != 1){ $checkListContent.=' '; if($div->id == 263){ $counter = 1; $counter_text = $counter.'- '; }else{ $counter = ""; $counter_text=""; } $current_row_size = 0; foreach ($insjob->chklistfields->where('documented',2) as $job_chklistfield){ if($job_chklistfield->chklistdiv->id == $div->id ) { if($job_chklistfield->type ==1 ){ if($job_chklistfield->pivot->value ==1 ){ $chklistfield_val = "Safe"; } elseif($job_chklistfield->pivot->value ==2 ){ $chklistfield_val = "Unsafe"; } else{ $chklistfield_val = "NA"; } }else{ $chklistfield_val = trim($job_chklistfield->pivot->value); } $field_total_size = $job_chklistfield->th_span + $job_chklistfield->td_span; if($field_total_size == $row_max_size){ if($job_chklistfield->type ==3 ){ if($job_chklistfield->pivot->value ==1){ $checkListContent.=' '; } }else{ $checkListContent.=' '; } } else{ if($current_row_size < $row_max_size){ if($current_row_size==0 ){ $checkListContent.='' ; if($job_chklistfield->type ==3){ if($job_chklistfield->pivot->value ==1){ $checkListContent.=''; } }else{ $checkListContent.=' '; } $current_row_size += $field_total_size; if($current_row_size == $row_max_size ){ $checkListContent.=''; $current_row_size =0; } } else{ if($job_chklistfield->type ==3){ if($job_chklistfield->pivot->value ==1){ $checkListContent.=' '; } }else{ $checkListContent.=' '; } $current_row_size += $field_total_size; if($current_row_size == $row_max_size ){ $checkListContent.=''; $current_row_size =0; } } } } } } if($div->id == 263){ if($job_chklistfield->type ==3 ){ if($job_chklistfield->pivot->value ==1){ $counter += 1; $counter_text = $counter.'- '; } } }else{ $counter = ""; $counter_text=""; } } } echo ($checkListContent); @endphp
'.$job_chklistfield->description.' '.$chklistfield_val.'
'.$job_chklistfield->description.''.$job_chklistfield->description.' '.$chklistfield_val.'
'.$job_chklistfield->description.''.$job_chklistfield->description.' '.$chklistfield_val.'

In providing services information or advice B SAFE safety consultancy does not warrant the accuracy of any information or advice supplied by the end user , and shall not be liable for any loss, damage or expense whatever sustained by any person due to any act of mis-operation/ mis-handled.
It should be also understood and agreed that all contained information in this report shall not be considered to relieve any designer, manufacturer, supplier, seller, repairer or operator of any warranty, expressed or implied.
B SAFE safety consultancy will not support the validity of any certificate if it has been found that the item descriped has been mistreated, overloaded, impact loaded, misoperated, misused or shock loaded.
This certificate is the property of B safe safety & security consultancy and shall be retuned on demand.
For Certificate Verfication, Please Visit Our Website: BsafeSafety.com

@php echo($document_control['ref'].'-'.$document_control['equipment_id'].'/V'.$document_control['rev'].'/'.$document_control['updated_at']->todatestring()); @endphp

Tel : +971 4 320 94 94 FAX: +971 4 320 94 95 P.O.BOX : 300465 DUBAI - UAE

E.MAIL : info@bsafesafety.com DUBAI SILICON OASIS - PALACE TOWER 1


{{-- ////////////////////////////////////end of second page /////////////////////////////////////////--}} {{-- //////////////////////////////////// Images pages /////////////////////////////////////////--}} @if($insjob->insjobimages()->where('selected',1)->count() > 0)

Inspection Images

@php $company_name = $insjob->instask->workorder->insservice->inqservice->branch->company->name; $user_id = $insjob->user->id; $images_path = 'storage/docs/companies/'.$company_name.'/inspections/'.$user_id.'/'.$insjob->id.'/images/'; $img_count = 1; @endphp
@foreach ($insjob->insjobimages()->where('selected',1)->get() as $jobImage) @if($img_count ==5 ) @break; @endif @if($img_count % 2 != 0)
@endif @php $img_count += 1; @endphp @endforeach

@php $document_control_page3 = $insjob->equipment->documentcontrols->where('type',2)->first(); echo($document_control_page3['ref'].'-'.$document_control_page3['equipment_id'].'/V'.$document_control_page3['rev'].'/'.$document_control_page3['updated_at']->todatestring()); @endphp

Tel : +971 4 320 94 94 FAX: +971 4 320 94 95 P.O.BOX : 300465 DUBAI - UAE

E.MAIL : info@bsafesafety.com DUBAI SILICON OASIS - PALACE TOWER 1


@endif {{-- ////////////////////////////////////end of Images pages /////////////////////////////////////////--}}